


Model #501 – Available in 6-10 man, 11-20 man and 21 or more man size. Each unit contains 1 stainless steel cage. 100 ft. of black 5/16” polypropylene rope (1,600 lb. test) and wire link. All wire links tagged to identify raft size it is legal for. Rope ends tagged as to their use. When ordering, specify sizes: 6-10 man, 11-20 man, or 21 or more man. #501-12 per case, ship. wt. 38 lbs. UPS OK.

Model #504 – Fits any stack of four rafts or any stack which equals a capacity of 21 man or more. Each unit contains 1 stainless steel cage, 100 ft. of black 7/16” polypropylene rope (3,000 lb. test) and 1 wire link. Model #504-6 per case, ship. wt. 38 lbs. UPS OK.

COMPLIES WITH U.S.C.G. REQUIREMENTS EFF. 9/20/83 Contact your local U.S.C.G. office for complete information

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