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Bio-Sanitizer disinfecting tablets are scientifically formulated to provide efficient and reliable disinfection for commercial, industrial or municipal wastewater treatment systems. Manufactured from pure calcium hypochlorite, Bio-Sanitizer disinfecting tablets dissolve slowly and evenly, providing effective and economical bacteria killing power. Each tablet contains a minimum of 70°/o available chlorine to insure maximum effectiveness. Bio-Sanitizer disinfecting tablets are a dependable, long-term source of chlorine that automatically adjust their chemical application to the rate of flow. Bio-Sanitizer disinfecting tablets insure re-liable disinfection rates up to intermittent peak flow factors of four and maintain a uniform chlorination rate even when the significant runoff period is six hours. When used as directed in any approved, gravity flow tablet dispenser, Bio-Sanitizer disinfecting tablets provide positive disinfection and inhibit bacteria regrowth.

Bio-Sanitizer disinfecting tablets represent refinement in dry chlorination technology, providing maximum disinfection without releasing unnecessary quantities of chlorine into the environment. Extensive product research and tablet development has provided a precise chemical formulation uniquely suitable for this application. Registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Canadian Ministry of Environment and all fifty State Departments of Agriculture, Bio-Sanitizer disinfecting tablets provide reliable, high quality chlorination to assist in the maintenance of environmental standards. Packed in 10 lb., 25 lb., 45 lb. and 100 lb. DOT approved containers, Bio-Sanitizer disinfecting tablets are the preferred cost effective alternative to dangerous liquid and gas chlorination systems. If a safe and dependable disinfection system is desired, consider the advantages of Norweco’s Bio-Sanitizer disinfecting tablets.


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SKU: N/A Category:



• Environmentally safe when used as directed
• Predictable chlorine residual
• Consistent chlorine dose
• Beveled edge design minimizes wicking
• Slow dissolve rate
• Inhibits bacteria regrowth
• No mixing of chemicals or solutions


Tablet Size:  2 5/a” diameter, 13/16 11 thick
Approx. Tablet Weight: 5 oz. (140 grams)
Approx. Tablet Density: 125 lbs./ft.3
Active Ingredient: Calcium Hypochlorite Ca (OCl)2 • H2o
Available Chlorine: 70%
Inert Ingredients: 30%
Appearance and odor: White tablet with mild chlorine odor
USEPA Registration: 63243-1


Bio-Sanitizer disinfecting tablets are a strong oxidizing agent and highly corrosive. Contact with oils, acids, petroleum based products, reducing agents or other chlorine compounds, such as swimming pool tablets, is extremely dangerous – fire or explosion could result. Improper use of this product may cause personal injury or property damage. Tablets may be fatal if swallowed and tablet dust is irritating to the eyes, nose and throat. Keep out of the reach of children and do not allow tablets or feed tubes to contact skin, eyes or clothing. Do not handle the tablets or feed tubes without first contacting your local distributor and obtaining specific instructions for usage, handling and storage. Store only in sealed original container and in a well-ventilated area. Read the product container label carefully prior to use. It is unsafe and a violation of Federal law to use Bio-Sanitizer disinfecting tablets in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.