High Level Overfill Alarm Panel
The Timco High Level / Overfill Alarm Annunciator Panel satisfies 46CFR 39.2009(a) when connected to Timco or similar HL/OF Sensors having NC switches.
Installation must conform to 46CFR 111.105. The BargePlus™ HL/OF-2 Fixed Level Alarm system is USCG Accepted satisfying overfill protection requirements on Tank Barges.
Installation must conform to 46CFR 111.105. The BargePlus™ HL/OF-2 Fixed Level Alarm system is USCG Accepted satisfying overfill protection requirements on Tank Barges.
Compact Optimization of Select Components into a Single Reliable Alarm Platform Design Simplifies Installation and Reduces Cost of Ownership. System Bypass and Tandem/Single Loading Functions are Standard.Barge Telemetry™
HL/OF-2 provides real time tank barge data to its customers in various formats and configurations, in compliance with each customers needs and requirements. Let us help your company get better and more timely information with our Barge Telemetry service.BargePlus™
Providing Telemetric Barge to Office Data to Management. Including: GPS location, cargo temperatures, pressures & vacuum, pump drive engine RPM, OP & WT & fuel tank level, pump RPM, seal temperature and pump discharge pressure, full depth cargo levels, and more. Data provided on intuitively formatted digital/graphic dashboard. Filtered alarms by text and full data logging for voyage profiles.Add to Quote

All of the barge management features you wished for are now available From Timco. Reliability is Included. Large C1D2 Solar Cells, Digital battery Management and Deka Batteries power this innovation! NO MORE DEAD BATTERIES OR BATTERY RELATED FAILURES.
Cargo loading & discharge safety and reliability are significantly enhance by Fixed Level Alarm Systems. So why not use the most modern advanced fixed system by Timco that can do more than just HL/OF Alarms?
AV mast (2) 115db sounders
provide 360˚ audible alarm sound
Alternating tone corresponds with amber high level strobe; steady tone corresponds to red strobe.

Compact integrated design
Timco exclusive “easy retract” AV mast.

All products proudly manufactured by Timco Industries for you
Superseal™ Reach Rod Stuffing Box, VPI’s, Handwheels, Reach Rods, Yokes & Deck Stands, Radar Gauging w/ Local Display & Programmable Alarms, Radial Arm Gauge Trees, Top Off Paddles, Flame ScreensSee All Tank Barge Products

tank barge Equipment & Technology
Designed & Manufactured at Timco Industries
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